How to Be a Good LGBTQ+ Ally as a Gym Member

The gym should be a place where everyone feels comfortable and welcome to pursue their fitness goals. During pride month it’s a great time to reflect on our behavior and whether it’s inclusive and supportive. Here are some practical steps you can take to be a good ally in your gym community! 


Understanding the unique challenges and hardships faced by a variety of members of the community can really help you be a more effective ally. 

  • Learn about current LGBTQ+ issues: While we’ve made a lot of progress there are still so many hardships and challenges faced by those who are simply trying to be themselves. 

  • Follow LGBTQ+ Voices: Engage with content from community members and keep yourself in the loop with new changes and challenges that arise.

  • Workshops: During pride month there are many online lectures, in person workshops and guest speakers teaching and sharing their experiences to help spread further education.

Use Inclusive Language

The language you use can significantly impact how comfortable others feel. By learning and respecting people's pronouns you’re providing gender affirmation, offering respect, and creating a more welcoming and tolerant environment. 

  • Avoid Assumptions: Don’t assume someone’s gender or sexual orientation based on their appearance or behavior. Pronouns can be very personal and aren’t based on appearance for a variety of reasons. 

  • Neutral Terms: Use gender-neutral terms when addressing groups such as “everyone” or “folks” instead of “guys” or “ladies.”

  • What if I make a mistake? It’s ok to make mistakes! We all slip up from time to time but what’s important is that you either correct yourself or if it’s after the moment, give a short, private apology. Take an active role if others make mistakes too. It’s okay to correct someone politely if you hear them using the wrong pronoun for someone. Keep the correction brief and to the point.

Be a Positive Presence

Your behavior and attitude can contribute so much to create an inclusive gym environment!

  • Be Friendly: Smile, say hello, and engage with fellow gym members in a friendly manner.

  • Support Inclusivity: Show support for inclusivity by participating in events or initiatives that celebrate diversity.

  • Speak Up: It’s so important if you witness discriminatory behavior report it to gym staff immediately. 

Promote a Safe Space

Help create a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

  • Be Mindful of Space: Be considerate of others' personal space, especially in communal areas. 

  • Inclusivity Signals: Wear clothing or accessories that signal your support for LGBTQ+ rights, this is a great way to support small queer owned businesses and bag some great new workout wear!

  • Encourage Respect: Encourage others to respect personal boundaries and differences.

Advocate for Inclusivity

Advocating for a more inclusive gym environment can lead to positive changes.

  • Provide Feedback: If you notice areas where your gym could improve its inclusivity, provide constructive feedback to gym management.

  • Suggest Workshops: Encourage your gym to offer diversity and inclusion training for all members if they don’t already.

  • Support Policies: Support and adhere to your gym’s policies on inclusivity and respect.

Take part in Pride!

Engaging in events that celebrate diversity can strengthen your allyship.

  • Join LGBTQ+ Events: Participate in events that celebrate LGBTQ+ pride or awareness days.

  • Support Charity Events: Where possible donate time or funds to LGBTQ+ charities, there can be many charity events set up also which are fun to attend and help towards the cause.

  • Promote Visibility: Share and promote LGBTQ+ charities and events within your community.


Being a good LGBTQ+ ally in the gym is about creating a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortable and valued. By educating yourself, using inclusive language, and actively promoting respect and safety, you can make a significant difference. Remember, your actions as an ally contribute to a more welcoming and diverse gym community, benefiting everyone involved. Together, we can build a fitness environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and empowered to achieve their goals!

Lyndsey Roberts