SLAM REVOLUTION SERIES: Embracing Strength as a Woman

Today, I want to talk to you about something that's close to my heart and to the hearts of so many women around the world: Embracing our strength. 💪

You see, for far too long, society has tried to place us in neat little boxes, telling us what we "should" and "shouldn't" do. From what we wear, how we look, and even to the weight we lift (or don’t), there's a long list of expectations that have been handed down to us.

But here's the thing: those expectations aren't ours to carry. They're not your truth. They're not my truth. They're just heavy burdens that have held us back from reaching our full potential.

How many times have you hesitated before stepping into the weight room at the gym, wondering if it was the right place for you? I've been there too. It's natural to have those moments of self-doubt, thanks to the voices that have whispered in our ears since we were little girls. But those voices are wrong.

Today, I want to invite you to question those expectations and to let go of the limitations that society tries to place on us. We're not here to conform; we're here to transform.

Embracing strength isn't just about lifting weights; it's about defying expectations, pushing boundaries, and becoming the best version of yourself. It's about feeling the power that resides in your own body and knowing that you are capable of extraordinary things.

So, here are some real, honest, and authentic tips on how to embrace strength as a woman:

1. Believe in Yourself:

  • Self-belief is your foundation. Embrace the notion that you are strong, capable, and worthy of the journey. Remember, you don't have to prove your strength to anyone but yourself.

2. Set Goals:

  • Concrete goals provide a roadmap for your journey. For our whole lives we’ve been taught our worth is in how we look - one of the ways I combat this conditioning is by focusing on what my body can do, over what it looks like. Setting performance-based goals is a great way to reframe your mindset and you’ll feel like a badass when you get there! Some of my faves for the women who lift with us are

  • > Deadlift double your body weight

  • > Get your first pull up

  • > Get your first full push-up, then 5, then 10

  • > Squat 1.5 times your body weight

  • > Bench your body weight

3. Educate Yourself:

  • Understanding the "why" behind your journey can be incredibly motivating. Learn about the physiological benefits of strength training for women, like improved bone density, increased energy and hormonal support.

4. Find a Supportive Community:

  • Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can provide both motivation and guidance. Seek out supportive friends, and family, or join groups where you feel welcome and encouraged will make a big difference to your journey! If you’d like to be part of a community like ours we have a couple of spaces left on our trial!

5. Don’t overcomplicate it :

  • If you're new to weightlifting, there’s a temptation to follow every weird and wonderful “influencer plan” out there but most of these are unnecessary. The basics work for a reason and to get strong, focusing on them will never see you wrong - formulate your workouts around squat, hinge, push, pull and single leg and you’ll see your strength soar!

6. Celebrate Your Progress:

  • Don't underestimate the power of celebrating your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Each step you take is a victory on your unique journey.

In this series, we're going to empower each other with practical tips and advice, so you can embrace your strength as a woman and break free from the limitations that have held you back.

So, let's start this empowering journey together. Share in the comments - what's your strength goal, and how are you taking steps to embrace your strength as a woman? Let's chat and empower each other.

Until next time, stay strong friends!