It’s Full Moon & blue Monday, lets all check in…

Full Moon Check in

It’s Blue Monday & a Full Moon in the sign of Cancer, so… how are you feeling? 

Let’s take a moment right now to check-in.

Plant your feet on the ground, roll your shoulders back, take a big deep breath in through your nose and sigh it out through your mouth. Close your eyes and place one hand on your belly and one on your heart and ask yourself

“How am I?” 

You’d be forgiven for feeling all over the place today. I’m sure you’ve heard the dreaded “Blue Monday” phrase more than once and maybe that’s influencing your mood. Today is known as Blue Monday because it’s apparently the day we all start to feel the effects of the long darkness, cold weather and length of time since the last payday! It’s really a media construct to try to get people to book holidays, but the reality is that January is a hard month and many of us may be feeling a little blue today. I want to encourage you to hold space for yourself if this is how you feel and offer a little support and guidance that might help draw you out of that funk. 

Last week I talked about intentions over goals, I mentioned that I have been practicing intention setting with the new moon and letting go with the full moon and today I wanted to go a little deeper as lucky for us Mama Moon is full and in her home sign of Cancer which might mean that you are beginning to feel as though the darkness is starting to lift. This is the first full moon of the year, it’s also known as the wolf moon (because traditionally it was a time of year when we were more likely to hear wolves howling at the moon). The Full Moon in Cancer brings an opportunity for clarity and to clear anything out that is currently standing in the way of what you want to achieve. The sun is also in Capricorn so themes of shaking foundations, ambition and vision setting for the year ahead are super strong, highlighted by the clarity of this epic moon. 

Whether you buy into the guidance of the Moon or not, this is a brilliant opportunity to check in with any intentions you set for the New Year and get clear on what is standing in your way. 

Personally, my moon cycle journey began as an opportunity to take some regular time for me. I made it a non-negotiable that I’d take 10-15  minutes journaling, releasing, dancing and dealing with whatever was coming up, regardless of whether I felt a spiritual connection or not. I’d love to invite you to take this time for you, whether it’s a luxurious hour or a 5-minute check-in, it’s an opportunity to acknowledge that you are deserving of some space just for you. 

Because this moon is all about clarity and making space here are some things you can do under the power of her epic vibes:

Make a clear plan of what you want to let go of

Start by checking in with your intentions and what you want, then begin to make a list of what’s in the way and what you’d like to change. You don’t have to have the answers as to how they will change right now but ask yourself what small steps can you make in that direction right now. Make sure your plan includes a regular check-in for accountability!

Cleanse yourself and your home

This is a great time to clear out any bad vibes you’re holding on to and release what you no longer need. Whether that’s through physically removing “stuff” from your home and having a clear-out, grabbing some sage or Palo Santo and smudging your home, soaking in a deep cleansing bath or even dipping in some cold water (see my tips on cold water dipping here) then The Cancer Moon is a great opportunity to clear out whatever you have been hoarding.

Shadow work

Use this moon to shine a light into your own darkness, check in with where you have built a hardened exterior for fear of being hurt and use the moon to invite softness and love. Release what is no longer serving you and come home to yourself. Journaling, writing letters and burning them or even howling at the moon are incredibly powerful tools for this.

Journal prompts and questions to ask yourself

  • What am I  truly feeling right now? What is this telling me? 

  • Where do I feel unable to show up as the real me? 

  • What am I finally willing to let go of? 

  • How can I release the search for validation from others and seek only to validate myself? 

  • How can I soften myself and invite more love in?

However you are feeling today I hope some of this resonates with you. Whether you are sceptical or on a full-blown spiritual awakening there is never any harm to come from commanding more time to check in with yourself. There is so much insight and wisdom available when we come home to ourselves and I hope that you take even a tiny bit of that away from reading my musing this week. 

Wishing you all a powerful release and peaceful week ahead, 

L ❤️

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