My birthday gift for you!

Lyndsey Dancing with birthday decorations behind her - and the words My birthday gift to you

It’s the end of January! How did that happen? Tomorrow is the new moon in Aquarius which also happens to be my star sign. The new moon in Aquarius is here to stir things up, innovative and progressive- Aquarius is here to help us look toward the future and envision the bigger picture. 

I want to talk to you about some of the epic qualities of this new moon and as it’s my birthday at the end of the week. I have a gift for you… 

If you know me well it won’t surprise you that Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac (ever tried to get me to conform to something? :D) You might have been telling yourself for the longest time that you can’t do what you want because of various obstacles. Aquarius is here to show you that you have been given your gifts and talents for a reason and that the world needs you. I like that, as we emerge out of January. I know it can be a really hard month for so many of us and to be reminded that this world is a better place with you in it is never something that can be done too often. 

One thing that Aquarius holds dear - is freedom and so anything that is standing in the way of your freedom or dreams will become super obvious to you around now.

Things are going to be shaken up, it isn’t always comfortable but you’ll find that soon you can let go of the small things and get aligned with that bigger picture! 

Under the new moon, it’s an ideal time to set intentions, we can also use it as an opportunity to look back to the last full moon and check in with what has shifted. 

Questions to ask under this moon: 


What have I let go of since the last full moon?

What have I been feeling in the last few days? 

What are my greatest gifts and biggest passions? 

What are my wildest dreams and hopes for my life? 

What gets in the way of these dreams? 

What is suppressing my freedom and ability to live the life I want to? 

Where do I need shaking up? 


It might also be helpful to write down your intentions, what do you want for this lunar cycle and how will you take action to make them come to life?

Birthday Gift to you


As promised my loves, it’s my birthday this Saturday and I want you to celebrate with me so when the clock strikes midnight on 5.02.22 until 11pm, anyone who buys a trial at SLAM will get to bring a friend for FREE! Set your ALARMS!

All you have to do is buy a trial within that time frame and email us with your friend’s name and email address and we will get them set up. 

T’s and C’s apply and can be found here.


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