Strong Like A Mutha Signature Scents - with the wonderful Yogi Oils!

Those of you that have been in the gym recently, may have noticed a particular scent welcoming you as you enter the door? This isn’t just any scent, we have been working with the lovely Katrino, the founder of Yogi Oils, to create something really special for our gym space and community. 

Yogi Oils’ mission is to create products that bridge the connection between the ancient wisdom and symbolism of plants, nature, the seasons, yoga, mythology and the stories related to the land we live on. Each Yogi Oils product has been carefully selected using inspiration from these elements and are all organic, handmade essential oil and plant products and each made with love by Katrino in Scotland.

Katrino’s vision and core values really spoke to Lyndsey and the SLAM team, who are all fascinated about the power of scent and the comfort it can bring. So there was no one else we’d rather work with to create this special scent for us.

Choosing the final SLAM signature scents was a team effort - the whole team came together with Katrino and explored how smelling various essential oils made us feel, sharing memories the scents brought back to us, emotions that rose to the surface and wherein our bodies it ‘lit a fire’. From here, we narrowed it down to the ones that we felt nurtured the feelings we want our community to feel when they visit us.

The aim - a smell that encompasses the Strong Like a Mutha ethos, where you feel free to speak your truth and empowered to be your authentic self, surrounded by people who lift you up. 

Here’s a little bit about the three signature scents that we chose:


Sweet Orange and Lavender 

Lavender is the oil of communication and sweet orange is the oil of abundance. Orange is one of the best oils to fight fatigue and stimulates creativity. Lavender is familiar, recognisable, comfortable and because of that can immediately help us feel at home, able to speak, express and listen. Together they harmonise to create a safe space to speak freely and openly and to express and feel your creativity flow. 


The base scents of Empower, with added Patchouli 

Patchouli is one of the most grounding oils and is connected with the root chakra, physicality. It can be used to help us feel safe, confident and secure in our physical bodies and minds. Physically grounding and calming. Added to the base formula it helps us drop into stillness in our bodies. 


The base scents of Empower, with added Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a menthol explosive hit of joy and spaciousness. It clears the airwaves and any space it enters into. It can clear spaces energetically after any vibes have been created so you can start fresh, vibrant and ready to go. Added to the base formula, it helps us drop into an energetic space ready for action!

It was also important for us to give you the opportunity to take a little bit of SLAM home with you, to assist you in finding a little bit of harmony as you flow through life, both in and out of the gym and also to remind you that you are more than capable of doing hard things no matter where you are - we got you ❤️

All our scents are available to buy (and be sniffed) the next time you’re in the gym or buy from our website.