Posts tagged history
Why we should never forget the witch trials..

The history of witchcraft in Scotland is a fascinating and often overlooked chapter in the annals of our nation's past. While it may conjure images of broomsticks and cauldrons, the reality of Scotland's witch trials and the persecution of alleged witches is a deeply important and somber part of our history. Understanding this history is not just a matter of academic interest; it holds critical lessons and insights for future generations. In this blog, we will explore why the history of witchcraft in Scotland is so important for those who will come after us.

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The History of Samhain: Unraveling the Origins of Halloween's Ancestral Celebration

As the leaves turn crimson and the chill of autumn settles in, our thoughts often turn to the enchanting festivities of Halloween. Yet, beneath the costumes and sweets, lies a rich tapestry of history and tradition woven into the very fabric of this holiday. To truly appreciate Halloween, we have to venture back in time to explore the origins of its most ancient predecessor: Samhain.

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