DECEMBER WINTER WARMER SERIES: Finding Strength in Sisterhood - Navigating the 'Winter Blues'

As we step into the frosty embrace of winter, we're taking this opportunity to shake things up in our December blog series. It's not your grandma's cup of tea; it's more like that bold, dark roast coffee that gives you a kick!

In Week 1, we're unearthing the extraordinary power of sisterhood and delving into the nitty-gritty of why it's essential.

Winter isn't just about snowflakes and hot choc. It can be a wild, unpredictable ride. It's the time when the days get shorter, the cold chills you to the bone, and the holiday frenzy kicks in. But it's also the season that comes with unique challenges, especially for us women. So, why is sisterhood so vital during these times? Let's dive deep and find out.

Winter Challenges for the Fearless Femmes

Let's strip it down. Winter isn't all fun and games. The dark, cold days can mess with our mood and energy levels. You're not alone if the lack of sunlight makes you feel like hibernating. Then there's the pressure cooker of holiday preparations, and let's not even start on family dynamics.

But guess what? We're all in this together. And when we stand side by side, that's when the magic happens.

The Power of Sisterhood, Unleashed

Sisterhood isn't just a word; it's a revolution. It's the bond you share with your fiercest friends, the love you find in your chosen family, and the connection you build within your communities. It's the belief that together, we are a force of nature.

In the spirit of feminism and intersectionality, we're here to shout it from the rooftops - we're stronger when we join hands and hearts. Sharing our experiences, our stories, and our feelings is a game-changer. Together, we can transform the winter blues into an opportunity for personal growth and empowerment.

Stoking the Fires of Friendship

So, how do we stoke the fires of those exceptional female friendships, especially in the cold, dark months? Buckle up; we're about to get real deep:

  • Stay Connected: Your support system is only a text or call away. Reach out; it'll make their day. Why? Because connection is our lifeline. But how do we do that when we are at capacity ourselves? It can feel like an extra pressure to make sure you are being a good friend too right? I have a couple of tools that my friends and I use and my favourite is: The Magic Emoji

    In this social media world we often feel we are more connected to people than we are because we have access to their lives if they share them on their social accounts, and when you’re not feeling yourself it’s really hard to reach out to others, some of my closest friends and I have “the magic emoji rule” we pick a predetermined emoji and when we need support we drop that into a text or what’s app, it’s dropped with no expectation - just the ability to be able to share that things are rough and we might not even have the capacity to put it into words, my friends will then say “do you want to talk about it” and offer up their capacity of they have it, or they will send an emoji back to let me know they love me and care but they are also in a similar place. honestly it’s a game changer and means that we can all stay connected with each other without having to give when we are also struggling.

  • Plan Heartfelt Gatherings: Virtual or in-person, Gatherings maintain those important connections and can provide much-needed support, life is so busy it’s easy to go months without seeing each other, and sometimes the going back and forth of organising can feel like too much extra labour when our plates are already full, but even 30 minutes with a friend can have such a positive impact on your day. Honesty feels like the best policy for me here, especially in winter, my friends and I keep things low-key, a meet up might be a coffee and a walk or it might be 3 minutes of dancing together on Facetime in between work calls, although not technically meetups I also love voice notes, you can leave them when you have time and your friend can reply when they have time, but it means that you can still connect even if life is hectic and busy.

  • Cheers to Triumphs: This is huge for me and is part of my love language, when a friend tells me they are proud of me or even that they read my blog or listened to my podcast, it is SO meaningful and can brighten up my darkest days. There is also so much joy and vibe raising to be had in championing my friends and I try to do it as openly and authentically as I can. So reach out and tell your bestie’s that they are epic, it might not seem like much but it goes a long way <3

  • Hold space when you can: this is a delicate one, no one likes unsolicited advice so be mindful that you aren’t becoming the unnecessary rescuer or feeling burdened to always be the agony aunt. One of the things I love is when someone asks me “do you want a place to vent or are you ready for solutions?” that way I can let them know what I need and don’t feel overwhelmed with advice.

As we continue our journey through this wild winter, we're going to plunge even deeper into the dark waters, exploring self-care, creativity, activism, and self-empowerment. This series is all about deep connections, unwavering support, and unearthing the profound strength that resides within each of us.

Thanks for riding this wild wave with us. Stay tuned for more head-spinning and soul-stirring content. Together, we're a badass tribe, ready to face any challenge with fierce determination and a shared sense of purpose.