Posts tagged ditch diet culture
How you look will never be more important than how you feel!

Monday Musings from the Mutha - How you look will never be more important than how you feel

I spent most of my younger life believing that how I looked was way more important than how I felt. It took me years of therapy and a big ol’ deep dive into my past experience to eventually realise that in fact the opposite was true and I’d love to share my story with you.

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5 steps to help you ditch diet culture

Monday Musings from the Mutha

It’s coming, now that the January “new year, new you” is over you’d think we’d get a break from toxic diet/fitness culture messaging but alas- the “beach body ready vibe” is already rearing its ugly head.

Today I want to share with you some tips to help you ditch that pressure and break the negative diet cycle for good.

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