What the World Needs Now

6 years ago I had a vision that I’d create a business that supported pre and postnatal people. I had no money, I’d just had a baby and it was a complete career change. Everything about my situation was risky, and had I listened to the “sensible” voices or my self-doubt and perfectionism which told me to “wait until I was ready” I would never have gotten started. 

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The Art of Saying No

I spent years of my life trying to make people like me, I molded myself to fit whatever group I was in, and before too long I found myself indecisive, unsure of what I liked or disliked, and worst of all I was burnt the F out. You see in order to make people like me I was saying yes to everything. I was so scared of saying no because then they wouldn’t like me and I’d have to sit with that deep sense of self-loathing that I was hiding. 

This was a really hard cycle to break, for me, it went on for a really long time until eventually my body started reacting to my boundaryless lifestyle and I HAD to listen.

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How To Build A Better Relationship With The Gym

What if your relationship with the gym didn’t have to be full of guilt and shame, of punishment and self-loathing? What if I told you that you could have a happy, healthy relationship with exercise and in time yourself? Would you believe me? 

I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t but It is in fact true! And this week I want to shine some light on exactly how you can start to love the gym!

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Lifting Weights Saved My Life

I don’t exaggerate when I say that lifting weights saved my life. It gave me the chance to finally be in a place where I don’t have to shrink myself, to feel strong and to want to nourish my body with food, and to no longer feel afraid of weight gain or body changes. It showed me that I was more than how I looked and gave me the confidence I needed to begin to heal and the strength, passion, and fire in my belly to build SLAM!

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What happened when I switched off from Social Media

I feel that call to go inward, I get this weird temptation to spend all of my time scrolling through social media. I then start to compare myself to every other business/human/parent and because my energy is lower and it’s time for me to answer that call to surrender, something I naturally find quite difficult, I start telling myself all of these lies about how I’m not doing enough. So, last year I wanted to experiment further and decided I was going to take an extended break and see what happened, I stayed away from social media for a year.

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I’m A New Mum… But I’m Still Me 

Nobody really talks about the psychological impact of becoming a parent for the first time.  We talk about the body changes, we plan births, we have an expectation of what maternity leave will be (walks, coffees, play dates) and actually, when the expectation and reality don’t quite meet, we’re often found questioning ourselves – are we good enough, are we somehow failing, is everyone else doing better at this than me?

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Strong Girls Club

We are so excited to be bringing a brand new offering to Strong Like a Mutha!

Strong Girls Club is a coach lead and peer-support exercise and wellbeing program for girls and young women aged 13-16 by Strong Like a Mutha.

Our vision with Strong Girls Club is to empower a generation of young girls to know that they are worthy exactly as they are and to find body confidence and happiness regardless of their weight, shape or body size.

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Don't Compare Your Real to Their Highlight Reel!

When you’re scrolling and wondering:

Why don't you look that way?
Why don't you have that life?
Why isn't your house tidy?
Why don't you have that many followers?
Why you’re not that parent??

Stop and remind yourself that what you see on your feed and page is another person's highlight reel, and very often isn’t what they are truly feeling at the time.

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Self Love Practice / Gift

I want to part of a future where the perception of our health isn’t determined by the size and shape of our body, and where our self worth isn’t fed by diet culture, where each and every person is able to show up authentically and is empowered to love and accept all sides of themselves.

On Valentines Day it's so easy to express love and gratitude to others but how often do we extend that to ourselves? 

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