Posts in Anti Diet Culture
How To Build A Better Relationship With The Gym

What if your relationship with the gym didn’t have to be full of guilt and shame, of punishment and self-loathing? What if I told you that you could have a happy, healthy relationship with exercise and in time yourself? Would you believe me? 

I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t but It is in fact true! And this week I want to shine some light on exactly how you can start to love the gym!

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Lifting Weights Saved My Life

I don’t exaggerate when I say that lifting weights saved my life. It gave me the chance to finally be in a place where I don’t have to shrink myself, to feel strong and to want to nourish my body with food, and to no longer feel afraid of weight gain or body changes. It showed me that I was more than how I looked and gave me the confidence I needed to begin to heal and the strength, passion, and fire in my belly to build SLAM!

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Strong Girls Club

We are so excited to be bringing a brand new offering to Strong Like a Mutha!

Strong Girls Club is a coach lead and peer-support exercise and wellbeing program for girls and young women aged 13-16 by Strong Like a Mutha.

Our vision with Strong Girls Club is to empower a generation of young girls to know that they are worthy exactly as they are and to find body confidence and happiness regardless of their weight, shape or body size.

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Don't Compare Your Real to Their Highlight Reel!

When you’re scrolling and wondering:

Why don't you look that way?
Why don't you have that life?
Why isn't your house tidy?
Why don't you have that many followers?
Why you’re not that parent??

Stop and remind yourself that what you see on your feed and page is another person's highlight reel, and very often isn’t what they are truly feeling at the time.

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Lyndsey's Big Mission

For this weeks Monday Musings we want to share an interview with our Founder Lyndsey Roberts, Lyndsey started SLAM in 2016 after the birth of her son. During her pregnancy and early postnatal period she felt incredibly let down by the fitness industry and went in search of something more inclusive and supportive of her needs. When she couldn’t find it, she decided to create it! Fast forward 7 years and she is now the creator of Scotland’s go-to company for pre and postnatal education and women’s well-being, has a global client base and is on a mission to challenge and change the fitness industry from the inside!

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How To Build a Healthy Relationship with Exercise and Commit To It!

I feel like this year is especially bad as the fitness industry seems to now be dressing up toxic messaging with wellness buzzwords - I’m seeing lots of “intuitive dieting” and even fat loss competitions advertised as “body confidence” courses. I honestly didn’t think things could get worse but this is pretty sickening.

A diet by its very nature cannot be intuitive when it relies on restriction in order to work and when someone says they will lead you to body confidence by helping you to lose weight I would seriously encourage you to run far away from that BS. Body confidence relies on a LOT of inner work.

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3 Ways to Track Progress, that aren’t Based on How You Look

It’s getting to that time of year isn’t it? Where all of the “new year, new you” BS marketing starts to come out of the woodwork and all of a sudden you find yourself pressured into signing up for some sort of extreme January workout regime and diet plan, all so that you can fit into that societally prescribed “ideal” … and then what happens? Maybe you stick to the plan for a while, and maybe you feel good for it, but sooner or later you find yourself falling “off the wagon” and so the cycle continues.

You know I want to change that narrative so here are my 2 (or 3) cents. Exercise is about so much more than weight loss and health is about so much more than how we look, that doesn’t however mean that you cannot track or acknowledge your progress, today I want to share with you 3 ways that you can measure your progress that aren’t based on how you look. 

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